Post date: Nov 10, 2017 1:37:54 PM
New Features and Enhancements:
New enhancement to sort the item in Purchase order. For the customers who add lots of items to their purchase order, this feature would come in handy. Rather than going through the whole list of items, now they can just sort the items by header (like item name, item number…) and find the item they were looking for.
New feature to change the RPE / QSR invoice grid text. Earlier the fonts were based on the resolution of the computer screen, smaller the screen smaller the font. We were getting numerous complaint regarding this. The customers now have the ability to choose from these three sizes (S,M,L).
‘Beanstalk Pro’ integration is renamed to CRM (Customer Relationship Management).
Improved First data PAX S300 enhancement to support void.
Various minor fixes and performance improvements.